The Cottonwood Metropolitan District
was created in 1981 to maintain
the dedicated park lands, install and
maintain park amenities and maintain
the landscaping along Jordan Road
and Cottonwood Drive.
After the recent upgrade and replacement
of the irrigation system,
the Board has begun discussing the landscaping
along the rights-of way. This discussion has been
paused for one very basic reason – the Board is
reluctant to spend upwards of one million dollars
or more, to beautify the roadways and the eyesore
of the fencing in the background.
The District is not authorized to maintain or
replace fencing; it is the homeowner’s responsibility.
We understand that there are homeowners who want to replace
their fence but do not have the money to do so.
That is why we are asking you, those who live in Cottonwood
and drive these roads everyday to give permission for the
District to replace the fencing along Jordan Road and
Cottonwood Drive.
Please note that if you provide that permission,
we will then need to contact each affected homeowner separately
to obtain permission to access their property to
replace the fence, all will need to agree for this to happen.
We are not asking for more money. We plan on paying for this
just as we paid for the sprinkler system, the grounds, the pavilions
and the paving of the parking lots, by being frugal and responsible
with the tax dollars we receive.
To review the views for
additional information, such as the fences that are under consideration
replacement, the type of fencing that will be used and before
and after photographs.
Feel free to contact the Board with any questions or better attend
one of our Board meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except November and
December. The meetings are at 7pm at 8334 Sandreed Circle.