Reserved Events

September 1 : Reservation: Geisthardt
September 6 : Reservation: Gabriel
September 7 : Reservation: Holy Hammers hustle
September 7 : Reservation: Capone
September 7 : Reservation: Gustafson
September 15 : Reservation: Camp
September 21 : Reservation: Bishop

Important Information

Cottonwood Park Rules

The Cottonwood Metropolitan District is the governing entity of the Cottonwood Open Space and Park.

Park Rules:

Open 5 am to 10 pm Cottonwood Residents & Guests Only All Pets Must be on a Leash Horses on Equestrian Trail Only


Unauthorized Motor Vehicles Littering, Dumping, Camping, Intoxication, Weapons, Golfing, Glass Containers, Misuse of Park, Open Fires and Fireworks

All Residents and Groups using the park must abide by park rules and must clean up all trash after using park. To prevent problems with wildlife and to keep our park beautiful trash may NOT be left in bags or containers near trash cans after events. All trash must be hauled out of the Park.


Applicable Code and Ordinance

Cottonwood Park is located in the Town of Parker and subject to all Town Codes and Ordnances.


9.01.030 - Removal of excrement.

It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog or other animal not to immediately remove excrement deposited by such animal upon a common thoroughfare, street, sidewalk, play area, park or upon any other public property or upon private property when permission of the owner or tenant of the property has not been obtained. The excrement must immediately be removed and disposed of in a sanitary manner.

(Ord. 5.06.33 §1, 2005)

Clean up After Your Dog

Not picking up after your dog and disposing of its feces properly could result in a mandatory court appearance and up to a $499 fine. Signs and disposable dog bags are located throughout the Town’s parks and trails system for your convenience.

Keep Your Pet on a Leash

Your dog must always be on a leash, 30 feet or shorter, when it is outside of your home or fenced yard. This includes all parks and trails in Parker.

Cottonwood Metropolitan District

Playgrounds, Basketball Courts and Volleyball Courts cannot be reserved. Holiday weekends (Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day) reservations are limited to Cottonwood residents.

2021 Park Fee Rental Rates

Field and Pavilion Rentals Residents Non-Residents
Groups Up To 40 No charge  
Groups Over 41*  
Groups Up to 40   $200 Per amenity
Groups Over 41*   Fee to be set by Board

* Require Board approval and 45 day notice

Resident and Non-Resident rental require a Damage Deposit

Groups of 10 or fewer people $25
Groups of of 11-25 people $50
Groups of of 26-75 people $100
Groups of 75-100 people $200

Deposit and rental fee checks should be made out to the Cottonwood Metropolitan District and mailed to: Cottonwood Metropolitan District c/o Anthony Boone 2525 S. Wadsworth Blvd. #304 Lakewood, CO 80227 303-400-9161

Non-residents should send separate checks for the rental fee and damage deposit.

Upon receipt of damage/rental fees, the District will email reservation confirmation.

Damage deposit checks will be returned if the area is left in good condition.

Rentals are for a six hour period. Longer requests require Board approval.

The Board reserves the right to deny any reservation request that the Board deems will damage the park, endanger the public or deny Cottowood residents use of the park for a prolonged period of time.